

(First published on FB in MAY 2020 at www.facebook.com/TransformationsFnC)

I recently put out a challenge to those who subscribed to my monthly emails, to “attack the snack attack”.

I bring it up here, because I know from both personal experience and people I talk to, that on one hand our current situation has resulted in many of us getting more walks in, and being more active. That is absolutely fabulous.
{And here in New England, even though we’ve had some bizarre weather patterns such as snow in May (thankfully just a tiny bit), overall the weather has been great to get outside most days.}

On the other hand however, a common challenge is that snacks are being consumed a little bit too frequently for our liking.

So how do we deal with that?

-We could just refuse to buy any snacks. (unrealistic in my house with other people too)
-We could exercise a ton of self control – (which only works for me personally for a few days)
-Or we could HALT.

When we open that pantry door, or refrigerator, – before grabbing the first yummy goody that catches our eye, we can ask ourselves a few quick questions.

Am I HUNGRY? (i.e. it’s been a while since I ate- will this item will satisfy this hunger?)
Am I ALWAYS opening these doors when I walk into the kitchen?( i.e. Is this a habit?)
Do I LOVE the idea of having a little bit of this right now?(i.e. do I really want it? )
Am I TIRED/Stressed/Angry/Upset/Excited? (i.e. is this an emotion driven response?)

If you’re genuinely HUNGRY and you feel this item will satisfy your hunger, or if you LOVE the idea of having some of this right now, go for it- serve it in a bowl/plate, walk away and enjoy your snack GUILT FREE.
(Hint: One more step you could perhaps, take at this point is ask yourself, “what is the smallest quantity I can have that will satisfy me?” – You might surprise yourself.)

And if those are not the answers to your HALT questions, then give yourself permission to walk away.
It really is freeing not to have to stress about self control.

My sister who read the monthly email I had sent out shared with me how when she opens her cabinet to get something and sees the packets of chips, or other goodies, she hears my voice saying “Am I hungry?”… decides she’s not and walks away!!
I’m not sure whether to feel excited or to say “Oh no!!” …
I’m relieved to say though, that when she shared it with me, she sounded rather pleased and triumphant. 😁😅

Try it some time.


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