I had the most amazing weekend at a Women’s Retreat with Glad Tidings Church at Camp Brookwoods on Lake Winnipesaukee in NH. It was refreshing and spiritually uplifting. One of the highlights, along with the fabulous teaching, times of worship,and opportunities to hang out with some lovely ladies, was the time we could spend on and around the lake. The view was stunning and such experiences just put me in even more awe of God and His handiwork.
But in spite of the rest I got on so many levels- we did have late nights and early mornings…
And I have been yawning and kind of like a zombie the whole of yesterday and this morning.
One of the things we tend to do in these situations is just pump ourselves with caffeine and push and push…
And from my experience, when we are tired like that, we don’t eat very well…I find myself reaching for comfort foods (yes, I admit it… I did have more chocolate than I usually would 😬 ) and didn’t feel like working out- and gave in to that…
What could I have done different?…
Worked harder on the self control??…maybe…
Pushed myself to workout??…perhaps….
Actually I think the solution was the one I finally took today:… I took a nap!!
My body needed rest.
I didn’t get to sleep as early as I should have on Sunday or Monday night (I confess.. I was online shopping last night aaaaaaGH!!)…
And now I am ready to do what I need to do… and I will go sleep by 10:30 tonight, so that I don’t get back into that mode again tomorrow.
How about you? Have you noticed the difference in the way you eat/ take care of yourself when you are tired?
Are you intentional about giving your body the rest it needs?
So I did finally reach for a cup of coffee- but not to wake me up, but to enjoy the nice hot yummy drink, while working on this post 🙂
Theme: Overlay by Kaira