What is Nutrition Coaching

I’m Shalini, a Precision Nutrition certified nutrition coach. I help women break free from restrictive diets and find food freedom while learning how to eat in a way that supports their goals using practical coaching tools and Biblical insight.

As women we often struggle with what to eat, how to eat, when to eat. There’s so much information- often conflicting – out there. We’re trying our best, but it’s so overwhelming and we just don’t know where to start- that too while trying to balance all the various responsibilities of life. I get it. I’ve been there. I am there – in the trenches trying to take care of my home, family, business etc, while addressing needs and concerns of my body whether it’s weight, energy or health. But it doesn’t have to be stressful.
I can show you how.


Have you spent years trying to follow diets, popular nutrition advice, and the food regimens prescribed by influencers today?
Do you still find yourself dissatisfied with the way you look, the way you feel and the daily challenges of figuring out what to eat?
Forget quick fixes and rigid rules. Together we’ll discover a way to eat, that fuels your body and feeds your soul.
I’ll provide accountability, and practical tools while pointing you to Biblical wisdom to transform how you approach and engage with food ,taking into consideration your lifestyle, your preferences, your skills, your personality and your goals.
As your coach, I help you explore, understand and learn how it is that you currently eat, and how it is that you could eat, that would provide a way out of this constant battle, and finally bring you to a place of being comfortable with the way you look, feel and approach your meals. You’re going to love the feeling of freedom that comes with that.


Through a customized, Biblically informed faith-based approach we’ll:

  • Observe eating patterns and identify those which support and hinder you
  • Address emotional eating habits
  • Develop a nourishing meal plan tailored to your needs
  • Build a different relationship with food physically and spiritually
  • Gain the skills and mindset for long-term success


During our time together, we will discuss your goals and concerns.
We will utilize various tools:- some that will help you discover more about yourself and some that will help you take action.
We will also delve into the Bible and explore how God’s word speaks into your specific situation and needs.
Prayer and exploring Biblical truths will be part of your action plan.


Nutrition Coaching sessions are over the phone or using an online video chat platform.
Sessions are held weekly for 45 minutes to start with. The frequency and length of our sessions are then adjusted based on your needs.


As I am not a dietician, I cannot create a specific meal plan. I can however teach you how to incorporate practices such as meal planning or meal prepping- into your life now, considering your skills, your preferences and your goals in a way that is not overwhelming or stressful. If you work with a dietician I can work in conjuction with them to help you implement their recommendations, particularly if there are medical needs that need to be addressed.


Faith-Based Coaching involves addressing different aspects of life such as stress, sleep, relationship with God, movement, food and life habits.

But you may only want to focus on the food aspect, so I also offer that independently as Nutrition Coaching. If over the course of time you want to explore some of the other areas we can certainly do that also.


To serve you well, I request that we begin with 4×45 minute sessions. There is a lot to cover! Following that we can explore what would be the best option for you.
Learn more about rates:


I’ll be completely honest- it’s not going to be an instant solution, but as you put one foot in front of other, I will be right there alongside you.
You’ll not only see CHANGE, but the FREEDOM ON THE OTHER SIDE is going to be SO WORTH IT.
I look forward to working with you. Schedule a free, no obligation exploration call NOW, and let’s get started!


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