I sit, I sat, I am sitting…

I have been spending the last few months trying to get this website up … I am rather ignorant about these technical things, and had to spend a lot of time learning, watching tutorials etc. As a result I am amazed by all of you folks who’s job requires them to sit in front of a computer all day…. how do you do it???!!!!! It takes a lot of patience and persistence which I have had to dig deep to muster up!!

But more than that… it has been hard on my body! When I am immersed in learning something or trying to solve a problem, I just sit there for a couple of hours continuously…. and then when I get up… OH!- my back, my hips… aaaagh!! Yeah, my back isn’t too happy with me sitting like this, I have to say.

Oh- my timer just went off now… be right back…

So, I put the timer on my phone on, to get me to get up off my seat and walk around for a few minutes… I went downstairs, got some laundry taken care of and am back… it felt good to just stretch my legs going up and down the steps, stretch my back as I bent down to get stuff out of the dryer and stretch my arms as I folded my sheets…aaaaah, felt good..
It may not seem like a big deal… but I do believe that breaking up our continuous sitting is helpful to our bodies. Some experts suggest that getting some activity in for every 20-30 minutes is helpful. Some people I know use sit/stand desk, or standing and working with the computer placed on a higher counter. I somehow “think better” when sitting (if I’m using the computer, that is), so am yet to get used to the idea of standing and working.

Some fitness trackers give alerts when sitting for an extended period of time. Mine doesn’t so I have to be intentional to use a timer to remind me.
So what can you do if you have to sit all day for work?

  • try putting an alert on your computer or phone to get up and move for the last 10 minutes of every hour.
  • take a walk during lunch
  • use a small bottle for water at your desk, so that you have to walk over to the water filter frequently to refill (since you are hydrating well, right??!!!)

And what are some of the things you can do during the little standing/moving breaks you take?

  • do some dynamic stretches
  • walk up and down the steps in your office building
  • find some company who thinks the same way and take a quick walk around the floor.
  • be social and talk to your coworkers in person-vs online chat/emails…(for a few minutes, that is!!)

And if you’re working from home there are even more options:

  • catch up on some quick chore that involves movement- laundry, vacuum a rug, sweep a room, mop a room…you’ll feel even better knowing some things are getting done while you are moving around and stretching
  • do a quick circuit workout… I have an interval timer that is set for 20 seconds workout, 10 seconds rest 8 times to equal 3 minutes and 50 seconds…
  • go for a walk outside
  • walk up and down your steps.The options are as great as your imagination.
    Some of the benefits of this are:
  • You’re mind will feel refreshed
  • You’re body will feel good from a bit of stretching and moving
  • You are more likely to sit up straight and be aware of your posture – for a little while at least….

Studies have shown negative effects from a sedentary lifestyle. While many people don’t have a choice since that’s work, there are ways to at least “sit well”… Incorporating these won’t necessarily substitute working out regularly, however, it is yet another way to take care of our body.

Let me know what you do to counter the requirement to sit many hours during the day.



I admit it, I slept later than I should have last night- and still had to get up early since the kiddos had school… so not long after they left, it hit me…  I started yawning away, with my head feeling a little foggy… hmmmm… time for a nap… or some coffee…. but I know well that a nap at that time of the day just makes me all the more lethargic, and as for coffee- well caffeine really doesn’t do much for me. It’s quite frustrating sometimes since I have nothing to keep me awake if I need to drive or study – or write a post!!

So what did I do?… I laced up my sneakers… I knew that was probably the only way I would have a productive morning. I got my sneakers on, walked around the house doing a few quick chores to warm up and then started working on some intervals in a short workout I had put together for my other Facebook Page (Walk with Me- A fitness Journey with Shal).

And that totally did the trick. I had to take pictures for that FB post, and although I think I have some dark circles from the late night, I don’t look sleepy- I am as fresh as can be.

That exercise energized me and got me through the next few hours. And I sure needed the energy since the kiddos had a snow related half day and were coming home in time for lunch…

Try it next time… when you’re feeling sleepy and know that a quick power nap won’t do the trick- try reaching for your sneakers instead of coffee. Not only will you feel energized… but you’re getting some exercise in too- and won’t that make you feel good?!!


Hello there! When setting up this website, the various templates all had “hello world” set as their post title… and I figured it is very fitting to use it here!

While my “Get to know me” page says a few words about me, this is the place where I will be able share a little bit more of things in my heart, head and life. I’ll talk about food, family, friends, fitness,  faith and flowers!! Well, probably not really about flowers, but just thought it worked with the alliteration.

Some of you may have followed my Facebook page “Walk with me: A Fitness Journey with Shal” (Thank you ), where I shared some of my journey to a healthier, stronger and fitter life, and these posts will reflect those themes….

But if you notice, my business is called Walk with YOU- because now I would love to come along with you in YOUR journey. I am really excited at the opportunities I will have to walk alongside you in this process. To be honest, it’s not always easy, not always fun, but it is always worth it, as you discover more about yourself and move forward.

So once again I say HELLO AND WELCOME to each of you! I am really so glad you are here.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira