I had the most amazing weekend at a Women’s Retreat with Glad Tidings Church at Camp Brookwoods on Lake Winnipesaukee in NH. It was refreshing and spiritually uplifting. One of the highlights, along with the fabulous teaching, times of worship,and opportunities to hang out with some lovely ladies, was the time we could spend on and around the lake. The view was stunning and such experiences just put me in even more awe of God and His handiwork.
But in spite of the rest I got on so many levels- we did have late nights and early mornings…
And I have been yawning and kind of like a zombie the whole of yesterday and this morning.
One of the things we tend to do in these situations is just pump ourselves with caffeine and push and push…
And from my experience, when we are tired like that, we don’t eat very well…I find myself reaching for comfort foods (yes, I admit it… I did have more chocolate than I usually would šŸ˜¬ ) and didn’t feel like working out- and gave in to that…
What could I have done different?…
Worked harder on the self control??…maybe…
Pushed myself to workout??…perhaps….
Actually I think the solution was the one I finally took today:… I took a nap!!
My body needed rest.
I didn’t get to sleep as early as I should have on Sunday or Monday night (I confess.. I was online shopping last night aaaaaaGH!!)…
And now I am ready to do what I need to do… and I will go sleep by 10:30 tonight, so that I don’t get back into that mode again tomorrow.
How about you? Have you noticed the difference in the way you eat/ take care of yourself when you are tired?
Are you intentional about giving your body the rest it needs?
So I did finally reach for a cup of coffee- but not to wake me up, but to enjoy the nice hot yummy drink, while working on this post šŸ™‚


Hello there! How are you?

I was thinking …I wonder how aware we are of the associations that we make in life with food and drink? Sometimes you could call them habitsā€¦ but they are stemmed from associations that our brains are making with an activityā€¦. For example, waking up in the morning and going straight for the coffee (or tea). We think we need the caffeine to wake up- but if we have to quit caffeine for some reason- (after the initial withdrawal headaches and grumpiness), we will probably be quite awake by the time we down a tall glass of water instead of the coffee.

I see it in my kids- in the past for one of them, it was: switch on the tv and grab a snack. Thankfully after moving, we have had a “no snacking downstairs” rule (which I discovered was broken yesterday when I was out grrrrā€¦.), but that has helped break that association.

Another one I see, when the ā€œinternet timeā€ is shut off, the first response is to go into the kitchen and open the cabinets and fridge.

For me, one I noticed in me was that I pick on food while chatting on the phone- and what happens then?… it is not mindful eating- so anything goes…

Or even now- when I sit down to work, I associate it with having a nice hot drink- but I have to stop and ask myself the question “Do I even want a cup of tea?- or do I assume should be getting myself one because I am sitting down in the morning at my computer?”

How about the associations like the idea of comfort food? When feeling down or unwell, we want to eat some of those foods that we may have grown up with, or that our mum might have made for us at those times.

Or having certain foods or drinks when with specific friends.

Or when you smell a certain food, it reminds you of someone, or a specific time or occasion in your life?

Or having hot samosas or blueberry muffins while sitting on the couch with a blanket and book on a cold rainy Saturday… (Anyone?!!!)

I bring this up because I have seen how these associations have negatively affected people I have worked with. For example a gentleman I worked with would eat carefully through the day, take the effort to exercise regularly, but could not shed some weight he wanted to. He talked about how, after dinner, after the kids go to bed, he would sit down on a particular chair and enjoy a hearty snack. I actually came across that multiple times. Late night watching tv and eating chips- after really being mindful and intentional all dayā€¦These dear people were sabotaging the efforts they were taking to take care of themselves all day.

Associationsā€¦ they can be powerful and we may not even realize their effect in our lives.

They need not be a bad thing. They really can create a warm, fuzzy feeling.

And of course the idea of associations can be channeled to create positive patterns of behavior in our lives.

However, there may be some that are interfering with what we really want for ourselves.

How about you? Can you think of some associations that you have with food or drinks?

If you think about it, are they in line with your wellness goals?

The Summer break “break”.

The Summer break “break”.

Hello there!

Happy October!!
We are now finally getting into the swing of the new school year after a rather busy summer break. We had the wonderful experience of visiting and spending time with family in India followed by family visiting once we got back home.

Needless to say, it was rather difficult to maintain any level of consistency in workouts and other work towards personal wellness goals. Nevertheless, it was good to not have any major detrimental effects of the inconsistency, except for having to revisit some of the strength gains I had made before the summer. The reason, I believe though, was that I did workout when I could, and having built healthy eating into my lifestyle, I found that I wouldn’t go crazy eating too much of the foods that my body really didn’t need. It was certainly challenging, when traveling and staying in various places, to eat in the proportions that I prefer to when I am at home, which especially incorporates a good variety and quantity of raw and cooked vegetables over the course of the day. I find though, that while I did (do!!) sometimes gorge on some snack foods (hello plantain chips!!) and had (have) to be conscious to reign that it…I did not crave or want too much of any of it. I enjoyed my favorite foods, and indulged in some special treats, did not feel like I had to deprive myself, enjoyed it all in moderation… and that was how I wanted it – not the devil and angel on either shoulder telling me eat/don’t eat- it wasn’t a forced self inflicted torture at all !!!

Practicing a lifestyle of being aware of what we are eating, when we are eating it, is a helpful part of the process. Then we don’t eat, just because food is in front of us, or accessible to us, but because we actually would like to experience the flavors, textures, connections (i.e. if you used to enjoy something as a kid, and getting the smell or taste of it, takes you back to some special memories). If I eat in this very conscious way, I find that I am satisfied and content with experiencing it, in a reasonable quantity, and don’t feel like I need to eat the whole plate, bowl, packet of the item. This way, I also, only ate those things I wanted to, and not just everything that was on the table in front of me. It was freeing. It gave me the opportunity to enjoy those foods that I wanted to, those thing I miss when I am here, away from India. So while this was not the case absolutely all of the time, it was most of it.Ā And the best part- I did not experience negative repercussions of it such as summer weight gain (yes, it’s a real thing!), undesirable habits, cravings, not wanting to get back to workout routines etc.

This is applicable in different places in our life- whether it is on a daily basis in our home, going out to eat with friends, going on vacation, during the holidays.Ā  But it’s a lifestyle habit built through daily practice, so that in those other situations, it’s part of who we are.

Yes, food is fuel and it is very important to give our body the nutrients it needs, but on the other hand- food is tied in with so much of who we are and what we do. The associations we have withĀ  food, meals, certain food items, places and people even, all tie in to our eating patterns.

So, how about you? What are your biggest challenges during these breaks to regular routines? Is this something you want to build into your life?


ITā€™S FIFA WORLD CUP 2018ā€¦.
Hi there! Have you been watching the FIFA World Cup? Do you have people at home/ work who are following it- with accompanying yelling, cheering and groaning?!!! We have been enjoying some of the matches. And now here we are at the finals…
We had a busy soccer season with both boys playing on travel teams. We got to see towns we hadnā€™t even known existed!!
While soccer isnā€™t necessarily ā€œmy thingā€ it is pretty exciting watching the games and it definitely takes a lot of stamina running up and down the field.
Now you may not have the skills or stamina of a soccer player, but I thought it would be fun to get in on some of the soccer action and do a workout with a soccer ball. We can really get a good workout with just a small space and a soccer ball (or any comparable size ball you have lying around your house).
If this is the first time you are doing my workoutsĀ please read THISĀ first! Thank you!!
As usual we are doing alternating intervals of activity and recovery.
20 seconds activity and 10 seconds recovery (
and setting up for the next move)
As always, please be sure you are medically cleared to participate in this kind of activity.
So here you go….
Place the ball on the ground and tap the ball with alternate feet.
Go into a lunge as deep as is comfortable- taking care to keep the front knee in line with ankle. Holding the ball straight out in front of you twist your upper body and face one side. (if your right leg is in front, twist to the left side etc..) Twist back to your original direction and get back up again. Repeat on the other side.
Be careful as you do this!! Place the ball on the ground and jump over it with both feet. Then jump back again over the ball. Take care not to trip over the ball! You could also jump over an imaginary ball if that feels a little safer.
Hold the ball straight up over your head and make a circle with the ball in the air. Switch direction after 10 seconds.
Holding the ball in front of you, with arms bent, bend your knees a little in a partial squat and shuffle across to one side and then shuffle back to the other side.
Holding the ball straight up above your head, lower your hips back and down into a squat and then push through your heals back up again. Make sure your knees donā€™t go in front of your toes when squatting.
If it is too challenging to hold the ball over your head, hold it straight in front of you.
Lie on a mat/towel/rug on your back with your arms straight up behind you and legs straight on the ground. Ā Hold the ball in your hands. Bring your hands and legs up and place the ball between your legs just below the knee. Holding the ball tight, lower your legs and your arms. Then bring them back up again and take the ball in your hands. Lower your arms and legs again and then bring them both up, putting the ball back between your legs.
Place the ball at the foot of the mat and get into a plank position with your ankles/ feet resting on the ball. If you are not confident/ comfortable on the ball, just do a regular plank.
Let me know if you do it!
If you would like a video of this workout, contact me and I will send it to you.

Slothfully slow…

Monday morning I woke up and spent my morning yaaaaawwwwning… I didn’t feel rested, and had some errands to do early, so instead of working out and getting myself going- I just stayed like that… It was one of those days I really should have gone back and read some of my earlier posts- and followed the suggestions!!

So the day went by, and I was dragging my feet all the way… (I even called my sister up in the evening justĀ  to whine to her that I don’t want to cook dinner- thanks sis for putting up with that!!)… . but at the end of the day, the good thing was this: I wasn’t beating myself up… I didn’t feel like all is lost.. it was just one of those days. And we all have them.

If you feel like you ended up not working out or eating the way you felt you should one meal, one day, or even a few days- it’s ok. Don’t ditch everything and either say “it’s no use”, or “now I’ll wait till next Monday/ next month/ next year/ my birthday” or whatever else- to workout or make better eating decisions. Every meal time is an opportunity to make a good choice. We tend to be extreme about our expectations. An “all or nothing” approach. In doing this, though- we are constantly setting ourselves up for discouragement or failure.
(Of course if falling back into old patterns starts becoming the norm, then we have to re-evaluate what is going on, and work on that).

And Tuesday was a fresh new day- woke up ready to get going!!! Well sort of, but I did get going and it was all good!!

Hello Spring??..!!..

My thermostat tells me that it is 53F degrees outside right now. Yay!! It is a welcome relief after wearing a winter coat and hat 2 days ago when waiting at the school bus stop with the kids in the morning. Spring has been taking it’s time to spring! After being surrounded by barren monotone trees for the last many months,Ā  I look forward to the palette of colors that will be lining our roads and adorning our yards as the spring blossoms bloom around us over the next few weeks.Ā 

I don’t know about you, but sunshine and beauty outside make me feel so energized and inspired.

I realize that not all of you live in spring hungry New England, or in the U.S for that matter and may be facing completely different weather conditions. But I am guessing that many of you find yourselves affected in some way, by the view outside your window when you open your curtains in the morning. At least temporarily.

And then we hit the ground running as we get ready for the day, whether it’s getting the kids to school, getting to work, taking care of errands, meetings, appointments…

Irrespective of how we feel, we do all those things that need to be done.

So I ask this question: Do we carry over this “do what I need to” idea when it comes to taking care of ourselves?

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to eating, exercising and resting it’s so easy to go by what I feel like doing/ having/ being.

Do you find yourself saying (and doing) some of these things?

“I feel like eating chocolate” (and then give ourselves permission to eat the whole box!!)

“I don’t feel like eating any veggies”

“It’s cold today, so I don’t feel like drinking much water”

“I’m not going to workout today- I don’t feel like it”

“It’s 11:00pm but I don’t feel tired so I’ll just stay up and keep browsing”

I admit, I sometimes do. It’s so easy to just go by what I feel.

As a result, though, I end up feeling guilty (about eating all that chocolate), feeling hungry because I didn’t get the filling fiber benefit of the veggies, feeling tired since I am not hydrated enough, feeling lethargic since working out energizes me, or exhausted because I slept so late, even though I still have to get up early to get the kiddos lunch etc for school.

I don’t say this to point fingers at you, or make you feel guilty… I do it.. a large majority of people do. But hopefully instead of feeling bad you feel empowered to tweak that, a little.

So what is the solution?

There are 2 things that are helpful.

1, If you are a parent, you can relate to this one… think about what you would tell your kid in this situation. “Get off the computer and go play outside… it doesn’t matter if you don’t feel like it” (real situation!!)

“If you’re not tired just go lie in bed with your eyes closed.. even if it means staying like that all night -awake” (again, real story- and, I admit- not so compassionate mum here!! )

2. How do you get all the other things done?

You plan for it. You schedule it in. You assume it has be to done.

I get to my appointments because they are on my calendar (or I would totally forget!!)

I go to work, because I have to be there… there really isn’t a choice in that, right?!!

And the list could go on.

Think about what you are doing to take care of yourself…

Are there things you could schedule in? Put on your calendar? Set alarms for (like I used to do, to get to the school bus stop on time- drop everything and get out there!!) Working out is a great one for that. Getting ready to go to bed is another.

How about things that you plan for ahead of time that you assume have to happen whether you feel like it or not? Planning balanced meals ahead for example, so at 5:00 dinner prep doesn’t start based on what I feel like having.

You give so much attention, time and diligence to do all those things that have to be done, for people around you, for work, for home.

Give yourself permission to do that for yourself.

You’re worth it.


Hello there!
Are you ready for the next workout?

(If you haven’t already, please read THISĀ first! Thank you!!)

Like the last one, we are hitting a little bit of everything.

I’ve created 2 timers this time- one with 10 seconds recover, and the other one with 20 seconds recovery. Sometimes it really helps to have those extra seconds to recover- this enables us to give the next set of exercises everything we have.Ā 

So, are you ready?

WARM UP: 3-5 minutes
HIGH KNEES: 20 seconds
RECOVER : 10 Seconds
SLOW SUMO SQUAT: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 Seconds
FRONT PUNCHES: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
HEEL DROPS: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
REVERSE CRUNCH: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 Seconds
FRONT PUNCHES: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
SLOW SUMO SQUAT:20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
JUMP ROPE: 20 seconds
REPEAT 1-2 times with a minute break in between.

TIMER with 10 seconds recovery timeā€¦/7823274-quick-tabata-based-wā€¦

TIMER with 20 seconds recovery timeā€¦/7874542-20-seconds-recovery-ā€¦

Hereā€™s a bit more information about each move if you need it:


Start standing straight with both feet on the ground. Lift up one leg as high as you can – practically getting that thigh parallel to the ground, (bend your knee so that your foot is still facing the ground) , put it down and repeat with the other leg. Do it as fast as possible.



This is a wide stance squat with feet planted pointing outwards and farther apart. Lower yourself slowly, as if you are going to sit on a chair behind you, as far as you can go- and then come slowly back up again, pushing through your heels as you stand up. Make sure that your knees do not cross in front of your toes as you lower yourself down. Keep your movements slow and controlled.





Start with your feet apart and lowered down slightly in a wide squat stance (Though not as wide or low as a sumo squat). Bring your hands up just below your chin in an ā€œon guardā€ position. Punch one fist in front of you, and then the other. As you punch, keep your core strong and tight and allow the power for the punches to come from your core. Try this experiment: try punching in front of you with just the effort being from your arms. Then try again, holding your core tight and allowing the power to start from your core. You will notice the difference in the power of your punches.



Lie on your back with your hands under your hips to support your back if necessary. Bring your knees up so that your calves are parallel to the ground.This is your starting position. Lower one leg just so that your heel touches the ground, contract your abs, exhale and pull that leg back up to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.



Just like in the heel drops: Lie on your back with your hands under your hips to support your back if necessary. Bring your knees up so that your calves are parallel to the ground.This is your starting position. Inhale. Then as you exhale all the air our of your lungs, contract your abs and pull your legs towards your chest (keeping your knees bent). Bring your legs back up to the starting position and repeat.



Donā€™t worry, I donā€™t expect you to bring a real jump rope into your space where it will get caught on stuff and pull things over (or just keep hitting the ceilingā€¦ )ā€¦ We use an imaginary jump rope here (which must be a relief for those of us who spend more time tripping than actually jumping over the ropeā€¦phew!!)…
Stand up straight and pretend that you are holding a skipping rope and getting ready to jump. Pretend to turn the rope with your arms as you jump up in the air. Yay!! you made it over!! Repeat for the entire 20 seconds and then congratulate yourself that you were able to keep jumping rope for a full 20 seconds!!

As always, please be sure that you are medically cleared to engage in this kind of physical activity.



Welcome to the WORKOUT OF THE WEEK #1.
Please read THIS before you continue with this week’s post.
So I have set up this workout so that we are doing 8 different exercises- each exercise for 20 seconds and have 10 seconds to recover in between. The total amount of time including recovery time is just 3 minutes and 50 seconds. So this entire set can be repeated 2-3 times. Believe me, you will feel it.
So here it is:
WARM UP: 3-5 minutes
STEP UP, STEP DOWN: 20 seconds
RECOVER : 10 Seconds
RECOVER: 10 Seconds
SQUAT JUMPS: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
RECOVER: 10 Seconds
JUMPING LUNGES: 20 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
RECOVER: 10 seconds
JUMPING JACKS: 20 seconds
REPEAT 1-2 times with a minute break in between.
Some tips for each exercise are at the end of this post.
Hereā€™s a timer to help you move from one exercise to recover to the next exercise. Its just set up for one round of the workout so you will have to start it again when repeating it.
Have fun with itā€¦ and please do let me know if you try it.
RECOVER: It means just keep walking around where you are, catching your breath, grabbing a sip of water- not lie down!!
Keep your back straight and donā€™t hunch your shoulders. To make it harder, look for higher steps around your house, but be sure itā€™s a safe/ stable surface. Another option is to hold some weights in your hands as you do the move.
Keep your body straight, bring each knee up as high as you can, as if you are trying to wack yourself in the chin with your knee (sounds delightful, eh?)!!
Keep your core engaged in this process – first so that you get the most out of the move and more importantly, so that you donā€™t strain your back.Ā 
Start in a squat position and jump straight up, landing back into a squat position. If you want to touch the ground with your hand that makes it harder since you have to be low enough to touch the ground. To make it more difficult turn 180 degrees when you are in the air so that you will be facing the opposite direction when you land back into a squat. These are hard, but are actually one of my favorites!!
If you donā€™t want to do jump squats, just do regular squats for 20 seconds.
When bringing your legs together to cross, try to exhale all the air inside you, which will contract your stomach muscles too. You want to consciously engage your core at this point as this helps reduce the hip flexor getting all the action and thus give your core more of a workout.Ā 
These are typically used in dynamic stretching but I like to incorporate them in the midst of these circuits too. Keep your legs and back as straight as possible as you bring each leg up, with alternate arm reaching straight out towards the foot. You donā€™t have to touch your toes, but just reach towards it.
Start in a lunge position, Ā then jump and while in the air switch your legs so that you land once agin in a lunge with the opposite legs forward and behind. If you donā€™t want to do jump lunges you can just do regular lunges.Ā HIGH KNEES WITH OVERHEAD ARMS:
Legs: Standing straight and as you bring one knee up so that the thigh is parallel to the ground. Bring that leg back down and then lift the opposite knee up so that this thigh is now parallel to the ground.
Arms: Bring your arms down so that your hands are on either side of the lifted leg.
When bringing the leg down lift your arms over your head and form an arc and then you bring your arms down on the opposite side on either side of the now lifted other leg.
Hope that didnā€™t sound too confusing.Ā 
You can go as fast or slow with these. Itā€™s at the end and you might be getting tired- push through it and give it all youā€™ve got.
Ā Click HEREĀ if you would like to know more about what I do as a Personal Trainer.

I sit, I sat, I am sitting…

I have been spending the last few months trying to get this website up … I am rather ignorant about these technical things, and had to spend a lot of time learning, watching tutorials etc. As a result I am amazed by all of you folks who’s job requires them to sit in front of a computer all day…. how do you do it???!!!!! It takes a lot of patience and persistence which I have had to dig deep to muster up!!

But more than that… it has been hard on my body! When I am immersed in learning something or trying to solve a problem, I just sit there for a couple of hours continuously…. and then when I get up… OH!- my back, my hips… aaaagh!! Yeah, my back isn’t too happy with me sitting like this, I have to say.

Oh- my timer just went off now… be right back…

So, I put the timer on my phone on, to get me to get up off my seat and walk around for a few minutes… I went downstairs, got some laundry taken care of and am back… it felt good to just stretch my legs going up and down the steps, stretch my back as I bent down to get stuff out of the dryer and stretch my arms as I folded my sheets…aaaaah, felt good..
It may not seem like a big deal… but I do believe that breaking up our continuous sitting is helpful to our bodies. Some experts suggest that getting some activity in for every 20-30 minutes is helpful. Some people I know use sit/stand desk, or standing and working with the computer placed on a higher counter. I somehow “think better” when sitting (if I’m using the computer, that is), so am yet to get used to the idea of standing and working.

Some fitness trackers give alerts when sitting for an extended period of time. Mine doesn’t so I have to be intentional to use a timer to remind me.
So what can you do if you have to sit all day for work?

  • try putting an alert on your computer or phone to get up and move for the last 10 minutes of every hour.
  • take a walk during lunch
  • use a small bottle for water at your desk, so that you have to walk over to the water filter frequently to refill (since you are hydrating well, right??!!!)

And what are some of the things you can do during the little standing/moving breaks you take?

  • do some dynamic stretches
  • walk up and down the steps in your office building
  • find some company who thinks the same way and take a quick walk around the floor.
  • be social and talk to your coworkers in person-vs online chat/emails…(for a few minutes, that is!!)

And if you’re working from home there are even more options:

  • catch up on some quick chore that involves movement- laundry, vacuum a rug, sweep a room, mop a room…you’ll feel even better knowing some things are getting done while you are moving around and stretching
  • do a quick circuit workout… I have an interval timer that is set for 20 seconds workout, 10 seconds rest 8 times to equal 3 minutes and 50 seconds…
  • go for a walk outside
  • walk up and down your steps.The options are as great as your imagination.
    Some of the benefits of this are:
  • You’re mind will feel refreshed
  • You’re body will feel good from a bit of stretching and moving
  • You are more likely to sit up straight and be aware of your posture – for a little while at least….

Studies have shown negative effects from a sedentary lifestyle. While many people don’t have a choice since that’s work, there are ways to at least “sit well”… Incorporating these won’t necessarily substitute working out regularly, however, it is yet another way to take care of our body.

Let me know what you do to counter the requirement to sit many hours during the day.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira