Monday morning I woke up and spent my morning yaaaaawwwwning… I didn’t feel rested, and had some errands to do early, so instead of working out and getting myself going- I just stayed like that… It was one of those days I really should have gone back and read some of my earlier posts- and followed the suggestions!!

So the day went by, and I was dragging my feet all the way… (I even called my sister up in the evening justĀ  to whine to her that I don’t want to cook dinner- thanks sis for putting up with that!!)… . but at the end of the day, the good thing was this: I wasn’t beating myself up… I didn’t feel like all is lost.. it was just one of those days. And we all have them.

If you feel like you ended up not working out or eating the way you felt you should one meal, one day, or even a few days- it’s ok. Don’t ditch everything and either say “it’s no use”, or “now I’ll wait till next Monday/ next month/ next year/ my birthday” or whatever else- to workout or make better eating decisions. Every meal time is an opportunity to make a good choice. We tend to be extreme about our expectations. An “all or nothing” approach. In doing this, though- we are constantly setting ourselves up for discouragement or failure.
(Of course if falling back into old patterns starts becoming the norm, then we have to re-evaluate what is going on, and work on that).

And Tuesday was a fresh new day- woke up ready to get going!!! Well sort of, but I did get going and it was all good!!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira