I admit it, I slept later than I should have last night- and still had to get up early since the kiddos had school… so not long after they left, it hit me…  I started yawning away, with my head feeling a little foggy… hmmmm… time for a nap… or some coffee…. but I know well that a nap at that time of the day just makes me all the more lethargic, and as for coffee- well caffeine really doesn’t do much for me. It’s quite frustrating sometimes since I have nothing to keep me awake if I need to drive or study – or write a post!!

So what did I do?… I laced up my sneakers… I knew that was probably the only way I would have a productive morning. I got my sneakers on, walked around the house doing a few quick chores to warm up and then started working on some intervals in a short workout I had put together for my other Facebook Page (Walk with Me- A fitness Journey with Shal).

And that totally did the trick. I had to take pictures for that FB post, and although I think I have some dark circles from the late night, I don’t look sleepy- I am as fresh as can be.

That exercise energized me and got me through the next few hours. And I sure needed the energy since the kiddos had a snow related half day and were coming home in time for lunch…

Try it next time… when you’re feeling sleepy and know that a quick power nap won’t do the trick- try reaching for your sneakers instead of coffee. Not only will you feel energized… but you’re getting some exercise in too- and won’t that make you feel good?!!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira